Motorcycle training - Gasss
#gasss_family organizes in Motorland Aragón motorcycle training with group division using a transponder.
In order to increase driver safety on the track, a new grouping is made on the first day at noon and on the second day in the morning based on the lap times achieved by the individual drivers.
Prices: consult - 0039 348 7436487
Included in the price: timekeeping, live timing, coffee in the #gasss_family box, PHOTOS, comparison rides..
Additional service:
For security reasons, no animals (except assistance dogs) are allowed into the circuit, neither alcoholic beverages, weapons or other objects that may be used as such. Bottle caps shall be removed from plastic bottles and cans or glass containers are not permitted. The introduction of flares, fireworks or dangerous devices, or the display of banners, symbols, emblems or legends involving incitement to violence are not permitted. Entry shall also be forbidden to persons who may be under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or similar.